Getting Closer

We are very excited about leaving for China in less than a month! Although we don't have official travel approval yet, we hope to have it in the next week. In light of that (and airline prices rising) we went ahead and bought our airline tickets!!!! Words cannot explain the excitement I feel right now. It is ACTUALLY HAPPENING! After 3 years, 7 months and 24 days we will be leaving for China to adopt our son!!! Tom and I were reminiscing the other day about the amazing way God has provided for our adoption financially. We both, although trusting in God to do it, were very skeptical that all the money would be provided. God was faithful indeed to provide every penny we needed. Whether it was allowing us to save, laying it on friends hearts to contribute or letting us receive grants from some Christian organizations that have a heart to help others carryout James 1:27. It really has been amazing to watch...