Adoption Process has begun!

A lot has happened since Tom's last post. He was laid off for 2 months and we got to see the Lord work, first hand in our lives, in miraculous ways! Through that time, one thing in our hearts did not change, our desire to adopt. If anything it grew stronger with each passing week. James 1:27 says this "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We are continually convicted that God says everyone falls into one of two categories, in regards to adoption....those called to adopt and those called to help others adopt. We are excited that God has placed the call to adopt in our family and look forward to the time when we can aid others to carry out His call in their own families!

So here we are today. Tom has a job, praise the Lord!...and we are starting our adoption journey.

First destination.....Asia! (For privacy and agency reasons we aren't supposed to say which country we're adopting from or the agency we're using, so I'll be vague. You can always ask!) We just sent in all the initial agency application paperwork and fees and now we are saving to pay for our homestudy!

Why Asia? Tom, although Caucasian, was born in Hong Kong, and both of us have had a special place in our hearts for Asian people (and food!) Our particular country of choice has over a million orphans. Many of them are highly susceptible to the slave and sex-trade industries. Just makes you sick to think about.
Most Asian countries also have strict family size limits. Our country allows you to have only 3 children in the home before adoption. The country that we would like to adopt from next does not have a family size limit. So it only seemed the obvious choice to adopt from Asia.

Please pray with us that 1)this process would run smoothly, 2) God would be glorified in all that happens, 3) God would provide the means to carry out this process.


  1. Stephanie, thanks so much for you sweet email! It's great to follow along and watch how God will grow your beautiful family!

  2. I just found your blog through the Indiana adoption group (on yahoo). Which agency are you using? We are parents to one son from Russia and are finishing our homestudy for our next adoption (probably from the U.S.)


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  4. Saw your post on International IN yahoo group. COngratulations on the beginning of your journey. Can't wait to follow along!

  5. Julie- Your postings are inspirational and, as a mom of 5 spectacular daughters, I can share in the never ending emotions kids bring to a family. If you have a moment I would very much like to privately speak to you. I also live in Indiana and am not looking to adopt but would like your professional opinion on an individual who has crossed both my path and yours. If you are uncomfortable I certainly understand but if you can find a mode of communicating other than this website I would greatly appreciate it.


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