's been awhile since I updated this blog....

I feel like between Tom's tax season and homestudy/dossier prep these last few months have been a whirlwind! Our homestudy is finally complete! We had our last meeting on Saturday. Praise the Lord that part is over. We have almost all our documents ready for the dossier....just have to wait for our homestudy to be written to send in our I800A and dossier. That's the exciting part.

The not so exciting part is that our adoption country has put a hold on all healthy adoptions. We have decided to switch to the special needs program, which normally would cut our wait time in half, but probably not anymore. Due to the hold on healthy adoptions, now a lot of countries that have never done special needs adoptions are wanting to start programs. This is going to slow our process down :(
I am having to continually tell myself that this is God's will, I am God's vessel, and it will all be done to His glory. I do pray daily for my little one that is alive and waiting for us to come and get her. Pray for patience for us, protection for our daughter and speed in the government process of this adoption!!


  1. So sorry to hear about the delays. When you go for a special needs child you may or may not end up getting a healthy child. Our daughter was very healthy, just a lot older. She was eleven when we started the process and thirteen when she came home. We were told she might have learning/developmental delays, but she did not. I've also heard some families say they thought they were adopting a healthy child and their child ended up having some special need. The biggest need they all have is a family. I pray that God will choose just the right child who needs your family!

  2. As mama to a "special needs" son from Thailand...YAY FOR YOU LACOCKS!!!! We started off on the special needs route...always knowing that we had limits to what we could handle. But that God had given us two perfectly healthy bio daughters and there were children who were living out their days in an orphanage because of some physical need. So we were led to our Joel...who is just a dream. He had a really rough start to this life...many abdominal surgeries, lung deficiencies, etc. He was hospitalized often. He was on three meds when we traveled to get him because of his lungs. But you know something? He's off all of them and has been since a few weeks of coming to the States! He's as healthy as a horse! Literally, eating us out of house and home at age 3.5! lol! So, just know this...God has a plan and it is a perfect one. Your child has been chosen by God to be parented by you and grafted into your family! Special needs or not, He is sovereign! Rest in that!


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