Adoption Fundraiser Dinner/Silent Auction

I am VERY excited to announce that our fundraiser has been "set in Stone" now!

Here are the details:

Saturday, November 20th
Castleview's Family Life Center
8601 Hague Road
Indianapolis, IN 46256
$15/person or $25/couple

We are having live music, dinner including dishes from Thailand, Ethiopia, Korea and America. A fabulous silent auction including things like: Dinner cruise for 2; Hotel nights, Dinner for 2 at Eddie Merlots; Scrapbooking weekend getaway.....and much, much more!!

Proceeds will help bring 5 orphans home to their forever families.

Visit or call Stephanie at 661-644-2889 to reserve your seat today!!

Hope to see you all there!


  1. Yay!!!! So excited for you!!! Bummed, though, that it's on a Saturday night (I work on Saturday nights!) But what else would I expect? I'm gonna have to see if I can find anybody to cover for me. I'd LOVE to be there!!!!

  2. Ellie, I would LOVE for you to be there! Hope it all works out for you to come!

  3. Good luck, you guys! Our benefit dinner and silent auction brought in a good chunk of funds. Let me know if you need any encouragement. Kind of "been there, done that" sort of thing.


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