It's Birthday Season at the Lacock House

Ireland's birthday is in January, Tom and Keelan have February birthdays and Camden's is in April. SO needless to say it is party season at our house!!

I just threw Ireland her first "party" with friends. It was so fun. We did a vintage tea party theme.....LOVE it! I really had to watch myself because me and vintage can go a little crazy sometimes!! (not good for the adoption saving budget!)
But Tom was very impressed with how thrifty I was!

The Invitations!

The Tablescape

Dessert Table! (I made a teapot cake!)


Tea sandwiches

It was a VERY fun morning!

Next two parties to plan I believe are another tea-party only a little more teenager-like and a lego party......hmmmmmm!


  1. So cute!!! What a precious party! I'll bet she LOVED it!!! We have many birthdays in the next couple of months, too! Laurel's if Feb 28, then Jacob is March 11, Jack's is March 25, and Eric's is April 23!!!! BUSY times! With all the kids b-days so close, I feel like it's a constant party this time of year! Lily is our lone summer b-day.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet family! :)


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