40 days of Prayer is over.........and God has Given us a daughter!

Before anyone has a heart-attack, no we have not received a referral yet, but Praise the Lord that He has our daughter picked out already and will give her to us in His timing. I was reading this morning in Judges 7 where Gideon was sent by God to the Midian camp the night before the battle to listen. He heard two men talking about their dream and the one interpreted the dream saying,(v14) “This is no other than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has GIVEN into his hand Midian and all the camp.” As if it had already happened.

This is how I feel about our little girl. God has already given her to us in the sense that before time began He knew she would be a part of our family. He has guided our steps and paths to bring us to the point where we realized His calling of adoption to our family. He will, in His timing, "Give" us our little girl.

I am SO thankful that we serve an omnipotent God that can do anything. It would have been nothing for Him to get us our referral. He can move mountains.....so what's a few papers?!! But His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Aren't you thankful for that? I am so glad that I don't have to be in control of everything, because what I do have "control" over I sure screw up in a hurry!

I am SO thankful that we have a God who loves us and cares for us. A God that is always wanting to grow us in faith and trust in Him to become more sanctified. I don't know how I would handle this long unknown process without my God to lean on every step of the way.

Thank you all for praying with us during the last 40 days. I hope that you will not stop praying with us as we continue on this journey! God has been teaching me many lessons on prayer this year and I truly treasure the special times each day talking to my Abba, Father.

What has God taught you in the last 40 days?


  1. Okay, I totally did have a heart attack when I read your title ;)
    I'm very sorry to hear that you haven't been matched just yet, but praise God that you are learning and drawing near to Him during this time of waiting and unknowns. I continue in prayer for your little girl, the very one that God has ordained from before the foundations of the world to be a Lacock. :)

  2. I about had a heart attack, too!!! I've been thinking about your family a LOT lately... meaning to check in with you. When I think of you, I pray for you. I must admit that it hasn't been daily, though. Love you, thinking of you, praying for you...

  3. Thank you for the sweet note on my blog! I wanted to email you back but couldn't find an address. Congratulations on the upcoming adoption - how amazing!! Ellie's a sweetie - I'm so excited for the Moeller family. Lily's adorable and I know your daughter will be as well!

    (if you want to talk more about the elliptical, feel free to email me amy@amycornwell.com)


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