Spring has Sprung!!

It is so nice to have some milder weather here now! With spring in the air, it is hard not to think about new life. I am getting the privilege this month to watch both my "cyber friends" and "real-life friends" bring new lives into their families through adoption. I have two cyber friends in Thailand right now picking up their daughters. I have two real-life friends leaving this week for Africa to pick up sibling sets. How amazing it is to watch God weave a beautiful tapestry out of our lives and not so optimal circumstances....yet all in His design!

As you enjoy watching flowers bloom and trees blossom say a prayer for all the families around the world that are welcoming "new" lives into their families this spring!


  1. LOVE spring! :)
    Hey! I hear that you keep running into my husband! That's too funny!!
    This summer, we MUST get together for some pool days! Miss you!


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