God is Good.....Always!!

This little phrase seems to easily roll off our lips in times of joy, doesn't it? When we get exciting news, a raise at work, a new house...etc. There are times, though, when this phrase takes a lot of prayer and trusting in God to say.

I was so encouraged in reading Nahum 1 and Lamentations 3 today. In the beginning of Lam. 3 the writer is in deep despair as he feels God is not with him or is punishing him, but then the truth of who God is is brought to His mind and this is what he says:
21.But this I call to mind, (notice this is a choice he makes!)
and therefore I have hope:
22.The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;[b]
his mercies never come to an end;
23.they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24."The LORD is my portion," says my soul,
"therefore I will hope in him."
25.The LORD is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
26.It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the LORD.

It is so encouraging that the Holy Spirit brings to mind in times of struggle the fact that God is good.....Always. God loves us.....Always. God is Merciful and Faithful.....Always!

The longer the wait in this adoption process, it seems the more I need to be reminded of this. It IS easy to remember, God is good.....always, in times of joy. BUT it is just as easy to remember, God is good.....always, in times of struggle as an exceptionally blessed follower of Christ who, if I just look around, can see thousands of ways God is showing me His love and faithfulness everyday......none of which I am worthy or deserve save the imputed righteousness of Christ!!!

If you are struggling with something right now I pray that Lamentations and Nahum will be an encouragement to you as well!


  1. Sending hugs your way, friend. Thanks for sharing encouragement. I'm sorry for your extended wait. I SO look forward to the day that you get your referral. I just know there is ONE SPECIAL Thai princess waiting for your sweet family! Love you! Hang in there!!!


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