Tis the Season!!!

To be Jolly! I don't really have anything new to say, but I just felt the need to post, since it's been over a month!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Tom's family in South Carolina. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins in Nana & Grandpa Lacock's woods! Armed with rubber boots and grubby clothes they still managed to get filthy and loved every minute of it!

We will be home for Christmas as all of my family is coming to Indy for the Holiday. Can't wait to see cousins I haven't seen in years! I love decorating the house and getting everything ready for Holiday party's and get-togethers!

We got an email last week from our agency saying the same thing they have heard since July....."We have a batch of referrals for your agency that just need the final sign-off on them and then we will send them." I learned the hard way in July not to get my hopes up about this news :( But we continue to long for and pray for our little girl in Thailand. And we definitely CAN'T WAIT to meet her!

Merry Christmas, Sweet Girl! We love you!


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