Day 1 {Beijing}

Our first day in Beijing and in China has been quite an amazing day!   We are soo enjoying the Chinese culture, sights, sounds but maybe not so much the smells.   They have some stinky food and habits here!!!

Family photo op at Tiananmen Square!
Camden with one of the guards at the square.

Ireland is literally a Celebrity here in China.   She gets asked at least 20 times a day if people can get their photo with her.   She is such a trooper and always says yes and smiles big!!

Ireland in her local headdress 

Tom and Marty outside the Forbidden City

The architecture is simply breathtaking.   The colors are so vivid too! 

How cute is this?

So beautiful inside the Forbidden City.

We rode rickshaws to lunch in the Hutongs

Coke cola in Chinese

Wow, them are some big panties!!!

An electricians worst nightmare!

The Beijing subway.......lots of people......packed in like sardines.......always room for one more!!

We enjoyed a nice dinner of Peking Duck

Yummy fruit popsicle on a hot day!

Ireland and Marty chillaxin'

An AMAZING first day in China!!!!


  1. Praying for you all! Keep the pictures coming, I'm enjoying stocking you both! :-D I love the one of you in the subway...priceless.

  2. It all looks so familiar. I can taste it, smell it and feel the pressure of the sweaty people on the then over-crowded buses....oh..the smells of so many bodies. The popsicles are the best. There are so many kinds.
    Tom, you might not remember how much people wanted to touch Annette. She was the princess with that long blonde hair. Everyone LOVED Annette. She captivated audiences everywhere. She was 5 when we first arrived, so she was a little older than Ireland.
    Can't wait to see Hong Kong..the old stomping grounds. I'll be waiting. I miss it so much. Give Alfred a HUGE hug for me. Priceless memories.


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