Presenting.......Fallon Grace Ai Lacock

Tom, in his last post, shared how God worked in our hearts from his perspective.  Now I will give you Fallon's story from my perspective.

In January, I called a friend of mine who works for our adoption agency to see what the upfront fees would be for starting a new adoption.  {Just trying to get info for a year or so down the road when we start an adoption again.}    She told me that it would probably be over $6000 initially to begin.  So I thanked her and in my mind was thinking.....well that won't happen anytime soon.  Before we got off the phone she said to me that she was going to start praying that we would adopt from Suixi, which was a new partnership orphanage with our agency.   After we hung up, I went online and watch a video about the Suixi orphanage and then looked at the waiting child list.  I saw our Fallon immediately and melted.   "Lord, why do I feel so drawn to this baby?"  I texted my friend and asked her if she had Fallon's file that I could peek at.   She sent it over and I read it carefully.  Fallon's special needs sounded scary but I couldn't get over this feeling of love I had for her.   I had some good prayer time that afternoon.  Praying with my hands open, I said these words "Lord, please place in my hands what you want me to have and take out of my hands what you don't want me to have."
 God gave me a sense of peace that I couldn't explain.
 I showed her picture and videos to Tom that night and we had a good discussion about her.   Tom, although he knew he wanted to adopt again, thought the timing wasn't right and it would be best to wait another year and try to save money, etc.   Again, I had an unexplainable peace.  The next day I was confident that God had given me an immediate love for Fallon because I was the one that was to be His hands and feet in finding a family to adopt her.   So I began praying for her often.  Thinking of ways I could advocate for her.  {and watching her videos weekly!}  My love was growing stronger, but the peace of submitting to Tom's decision and ultimately wanting what God wanted for me in His timing was so evident.   I was not wrestling with discontentment, as I had in the past.
Fast forward 1 month.....It was a Friday afternoon and I was on my way home from school when one of my best friends, Jess, called me.   She told me that a few minutes before our agency had sent out an email giving updates and advocating for the Suixi kids.   There were new videos of Fallon.   I rushed home to watch videos of this sweet baby walking and smiling.   Once again my heart melted.  I text Tom and told him he had to watch the videos.   He told me he was just leaving work and I said he needed to just watch one really quickly.    A minute later he texted me back and told me that I was "evil".  LOL  I laughed and told him I was just so excited that she was going to get a family now.   How could anyone not snatch up with sweet baby girl now??!!  There was a long pause and he texted these words "What do we need to do to put her on hold"    What???  Are you serious??   I was NOT expecting those words from Tom and I immediately burst into tears as I realized that God had let me fall so deeply  and instantly in love with this baby girl because she was MINE.  This was the baby girl I had been praying for for over 5 years.  God needed me at a point of complete surrender to His will before granting me my desire, a desire that all along He had given me, but I needed to want more than anything His timing and not my own.

So we are currently in the height of paperwork and training.  It will be a long journey but again, I am trusting in His perfect timing.  Please Pray with us as we raise the funds needed to bring Fallon home. It's all God's money and we are 100% confident He will provide. So join in with us on our journey!!
I am hand stamping vintage keys.  They are only $13 shipped! And are insanely cool!  I get comments all the time on mine!

I will do a post soon on God's leading in this fundraiser!!


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