3 weeks ago we needed $17,000......Where do we stand now?

those are the two words adoptive parents dream about when they begin the adoption process.  Some families are able to say those two words quickly into their process, while most have to wait.  We are one of those waiting families and let me tell you how it wrecked our family.....

My God is a God that keeps His promises.  My God is a God that you can't put in a box.  My God is a God that does the unexpected and does more than we could ask or think.

Back in December we were well into the process of becoming foster parents.  Although we were confident we  would adopt from China again, our plan was to save for another year so we could mostly fund the adoption ourselves.  You see, the memories of fundraising for our last adoption had not so easily dissolved.  So our plan was set: wait a year, save, and fund it ourselves.  But, you see, God's plans often times are not our plans BUT are Always bigger and more fabulous!

In January, through a casual conversation with a friend, she told me she was going to start praying that we adopt from Suixi, which was a new partnership orphanage with our agency.  I had looked at the kids on the Suixi page before but this piqued my interest to look again.  As I scrolled through the page I saw our girl and fell in love right away.  But God had some work to do in Tom's heart to let go of the finances and fully trust in Him to do it!

Through God's work on Tom's heart and my gently reminding him of God's provisions last adoption, Tom jumped on board and we submitted the paperwork to adopt Fallon in February.   (so many more cool details that I will have to post in another post!)

We used all our savings and tax refund to make the first two payments and home study fees, around $10,000 but that left us with a daunting remainder of $26,000.  I made hand stamped key necklaces.
We did an online auction and t-shirts, each time making the payments we needed at the perfect time.

Fast forward to 2 months ago.  God placed in my life an amazing friend and kindred spirit, Lauren, who was (and is) such an encouragement to me when I was down and had taken my eyes off Christ.  She would say to me "We are going to do this" every time I'd let discouragement take over.  She did an envelope fundraiser and a jade bracelet fundraiser all on her own (to name a few).  I just can't begin to tell you what a blessing she has been to me these past few months.

This brought us down to only needing $17,000.  I know, I know.....$17,000 sounds like a really big number, but when you look at it as God had already provided almost $20,000 up to this point, it doesn't seem like much.  By this point I KNEW God would do it and excitement took over!
Instead of worrying how in the world would we get $17,000 in 3 weeks I kept thinking "I can't WAIT to see how God is going to do this!"

I likened it to a football game (or whatever your sport of choice might be).  Blow out games are pretty boring to watch, let's be honest here.  But a game that is neck and neck, down to the last nail-biting seconds......Now that's the kind of game that everyone (even non sports people) are on the edge of their seats watching, waiting, excited to see what happens.

(Babe, like how I put your Packers into my blogpost?!!)

People have been watching.  Some of whom I never expected would care, but they were excited to see IF or WHEN or HOW God would provide.

Down to the 2 week ago mark and my two GA besties (Kelley and Jess) set up a raffle for our adoption.  

I had 2 other girls that did online parties for us.  It was overwhelming to watch God do this!

Last week we heard from 2 grants we had applied for and one that my sweet friend Ames had nominated us for, without us knowing.  We got random checks in the mail, from a $5 check from an elderly lady we don't even know to $100 from a sweet friend in Indiana who's husband had challenged her to give away her birthday money this year....and the list goes on and on.  I cried A LOT of happy and humbled tears last week.  All of these gifts of obedience in following God's leading led us to 2 amazing words:  FULLY FUNDED!!!!!!!!!
GOD DID IT YA'LL (I live in GA now and say Ya'll)

I have heard people say they don't think you should fundraise for adoption.  I just need to take a moment and say why I think you SHOULD fundraise.:

1.  When you have a need greater than anything you could ever provide for yourself, you must depend fully on God to do it.  (sounds kinda like the gospel, huh?!)

2.  James 1:27 tells (dare I say, commands) us to care for orphans.  That being said, only a small group of us are called to adopt.  So how do the rest of you care for orphans?  You can pray and you can come along side those adopting and fostering and give financially so we are able to foster and adopt.  This is your role.  You are now a beautiful, integral part of this orphans story!  How amazing!

3.  God gets all the Glory!  There is no way I could come up with $36,000 in 9 months or $17,000 in 2 weeks but God can and He did and He gets ALL THE GLORY!!

So if you are adopting, or considering adoption, and struggling with asking for help or fundraising just remember this: All our money is Gods.  You are just inviting people to be a part of your story, His bigger story, by asking them to use His money, that He has funneled through their hands, to help fund what is close to His heart - Orphans.

Thank you to everyone that is now a part of our story and Fallon's story!  Your gifts however big or small have not gone unnoticed and we thanked God for each and every one!
We leave in ONE week!  Follow our journey!


  1. This is great news! I'm so happy for you and your daughter. He certainly is a good, good Father!


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