When Joy and Sorrow Beautifully Yet Tragically Collide

The anticipation, of the last 9 months, of endless paper chasing culminating in my daughter being placed into my arms was finally within reach. My heart ached that our kids could not go with us this time. The mama hen in me likes all my kids safely tucked under my wings. But alas, grandparents had arrived, detailed schedules and timelines were typed, freezers were stocked with pre-made meals, countdown goodie bags were numbered and neatly lined up on the table, to be opened each day until our return. Outfits were laid out and labeled for each day (I know....a little much!). The kids were set. As I handed my passport, with my visa safely tucked inside, to the tsa officer my heart pounded with excitement. I was about to board a plane to meet the child I had prayed for for 5 years. God's faithfulness to me, as He taught me so many lessons during this time of waiting, was so apparent. It wasn't until my full surrender...