
I just finished my autobiography for our homestudy. Wow! I think the homestudy agency is going to know more about me then I know about myself!! LOL! It did really make me think about questions in regards to parenting an adopted child. Tom cracked me up because he called me after reading the first question on the questionnaire and said he was stumped already!! Guess that's the difference between men and women....women can talk (or type) about anything for hours! My autobiography ended up being 7 pages long...and I had to cut out some words to make it nicely fit onto 7 pages. Tom will probably summarize his life in 2 pages!!
After he completes his autobiography then we will start the interviews and home visits with our homestudy fun!


  1. Yay for getting that Home study started! Hope your social worker is as awesome as ours was! She rocked! Blessings as you start down this road!

  2. We have to do a similar thing here in Australia. One tip: while you must be honest in these things, don't include anything you don't really want to talk about in depth or it will be picked up on and discussed at length!

  3. Glad to hear that you guys are moving forward. We'll be doing our homestudy at the end of the month. I'm at the point that I keep asking my husband, "Did I say that already?" I can't keep track of what was said or not. Papers, papers, and more papers! :)

  4. I said the same thing about our autobiographies. Mine was 9 pages long! Hubby's was only 7. I was so excited about just having another part done. Another check mark on the list. One step closer to our child.


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