What a ride and we have barely started!

This past week has been draining....As we have been trying to patiently wait to see if our adoptive country is going to close it's program for this year.....we have been waiting and praying. Our agency has been great in trying to find out more information so that we can make an informed decision. We feel strongly that God has placed the desire for the country in our hearts. Although it seems easier to not go down a road of unknowns and to just switch countries, we believe that that isn't giving God much credit for being able to work things out for us in His timing and in His plan. So we will just continue to walk down this path until all our options have been exhausted. God wasn't shocked that this happened. He knew the timing for our adoption and for this countries shut-down would be the same. Although, I don't think that this will affect special-needs adoptions, which we are open to as well.....so we wait and see! Pray that God would give us peace and lead us where He wants us to go!


  1. I just love your attitude! May God be glorified in you and your process. I was sad to hear that Thailand was going on hold but I do understand why. But we will trust God to work in the details and lead your family. As an aside, we are celebrating 5 months home today with our son from Bangkok! It will all be worth it! And you will find Him faithful every step of the way!

    Hugs to you and your sweet family~

  2. I understand how you feel, Stephanie. But, we've decided that we're going to focus on what God has told us in the beginning and not pay any attention to what we see with our fleshly, human eyes. We know God has a lot more going on than what we're told or understand. We need to trust God's word, not the latest rumor or "word." Who's testimony will you believe?
    God never fails.

  3. Good luck and keep your faith in God. We started our second Guatemalan adoption in 2007 knowing that they would probably close their doors sometime and not knowing how long the process would take. If God is pulling you in that direction he won't fail you. Prayers!


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