Buried in Paperwork!!

You all should see my dining room table right now! It is absolutely covered by homestudy and dossier paperwork! I am trying to fill out all I can so that Tom just needs to "sign on the dotted line" for most things. I feel like my head is spinning with so much happening right now. I just pray that I don't forget something that slows down the process. I also am trying to get everything that needs to be notarized together so we can take it to our notary all at once. Plus filing passport applications, CA and SC background checks, and setting Dr appts for all of us so they can verify our mental (seems kindof funny right now) and physical health!!

We also got assigned our case worker. Our first homestudy appointment is next Wednesday! I am so excited to get going on it! I am not, however, excited about the 12 hours of adoption training and 3 books I have to read in the next month....I know it will be good and insightful, but where do you find the time?! LOL!

Loving every minute of this crazy journey God has put us on,


  1. Yay for you! It seems daunting, doesn't it? But trust me, you will get through it. I'm really task oriented and checking things off of my list makes me smile. So kudos to you for being in the thick of it all! I remember those days well...almost two years ago for us {May '08} that we were doing the exact same things! You will be glad you blogged about it all. Don't sweat your meeting next week! It will be great! I really love our social worker who wrote our home study. Exciting days for you~

  2. I'm just like Kam. I like my lists! It seems it's the only way to keep myself and all of the paperwork and tasks straight! Hang in there. It seems there are lulls in between the craziness.
    Thanks for the update!

  3. Well, even my lists aren't keeping me from feeling overwhelmed! I am in the exact moment in time that you are. Ugh. We have three weeks to finish it before our next homestudy visit. Only God can make it all happen. I need supernatural abilities to sort and organize papers and appointment. Ugh.


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