First Homestudy meeting

Well, I must say that I didn't know what to expect when I walked into the agency for our first homestudy meeting. And I really hadn't been concerned about the first meeting until the morning arrived. I felt myself getting anxious and had to keep quoting to myself Phil 4:6: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
Thank you to all of you who prayed. The first meeting went SO well. I love our social worker. We clicked with her right away. It ended up being so much fun and laid back. Our social worker was adopted and is also an adoptive parent, so she has so much insight and we are going to learn so much from her. Praise the Lord for giving us the perfect social worker for our family!!
God is so good....always!


  1. Congrats on a wonderful first meeting! Yay for you! God is good!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement, Stephanie. I appreciate it. We are driving down to NC tomorrow evening to meet our son & his unit once they deplane. He's been deployed in Afghanistan, so we have one more thing to throw into the mix. Once I get over this hump, it will be (hopefully) more manageable. :}
    When is your next hs visit?


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