The Fundraiser is over!!!

Wow, what a fabulous evening!!! It went off without a hitch. It was a candlelight dinner with a Thai, Ethiopian, Korean and Italian food buffet!!! Just wonderful. We also had live music from a saxophone quartet and a classical pianist. We had over 80 silent auction packages ranging from a Chicago getaway (dinner cruise for 2, Shedd Aquarium passes and hotel) to a golf package (including golf balls and titleist hats) to Spa packages, Pampered Chef baskets, Starbucks baskets......the list literally went on and on. God was definitely in this event and worked in many hearts to give to our event.

So how much did we raise???? Over $10,200!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!

It was A LOT of work and I need a couple months off before we start planning next years event! This will be an annual event that I will be a part of to help enable our church to offer grants and interest free loans through ABBA fund.

Thank you for all your prayers!


  1. Just read your comment on my blog, thanks for posting it. WOW, what a small world! My brother, sis-in-law and their kids go to Grace Community for church as well, and she's currently a table leader @ Grace Baptist MOPS! We don't live there, but we've been helping plant a church in our town, and our pastor grew up in Grace Community and went to Masters Sem.
    Glad to hear your fundraiser was a hit! Praise God for His provision. Our boutique didn't do too well, but we have a couple more ideas up our sleeves and we're excited to see what God has in store. Thanks for checking in!

  2. Wow! That's amazing! I need to get your advice on how to host events like that! My daughter has a dream of raising money for the girls left behind in her orphanage. Thanks for your inspiration!

  3. That's AWESOME, Steph!!! Wow!!! I'm sure it was a TON of work! One of my friends did an auction for us when we were adopting Jacob, and she vowed it was the last one she would do!! LOL! So, Kudos to you for planning to do it over and over again!

    BTW, I was talking with a neighbor (Becky) who has an adopted son from Ethiopia. She said, "There's a mom at my MOPS group who is adopting from Thailand." I just knew it was you!!! :) Sure enough, it was you! Small world, huh?

  4. Ellie, that is hilarious. I was at Becky's table at MOPS last year and she kept saying she had a neighbor that she thought had adopted from Thailand. I told her that I would love to meet her neighbor sometime.....too funny!! Becky is really sweet. I'm glad you two are neighbors!


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