Lots of exciting things going on....

Unfortunately none of those exciting things relate directly with our getting a referral :( We are, however, super busy with our fundraiser dinner & Silent auction, which is in just 3 weeks....aaahhh! www.onelessorphan.weebly.com

We also are launching our church's orphan care ministry next Sunday. A lot of time and energy has gone into that as well. November 7th's service is going to be an awesome example of how adoption is one of the purest examples of the gospel, in how we had nothing and God adopted us into His family. We had nothing to do with it and nothing to give back to Him.....such a neat picture!

Our Pastor was on Moody radio today doing an interview about orphan care and the role the church has in this process. It was SO good! I wish you all could have heard it! I'll have to see if I can get the transcripts and post them!

Anyway, I'm as busy as ever, but it still doesn't keep my mind from thinking about my little girl in Thailand, and hoping I get to go get her SOON...


  1. So good to see you post...I'm sure you are crazy busy! We are too...just in other areas. Really pumped about next Sunday! My sister in law, Mattie, is coming to speak in our services at church about our One Less Orphan. She settled on a logo last week...went a completely different direction {I'm glad..just in case!} and it's sweet. She's also got a few T-shirts designed. I may just have to send you one! Anyhoo, hope you are well and really, really hope that referral is on it's way! hugs~

  2. My husband and I are hoping to start an orphan care ministry at our church, too. I would love to read the transcript from that broadcast- it sounds great! We don't get Moody radio where we live :(. God bless you with this new ministry, and I hope you get your referral soon!

  3. I'm sure you HAVE been super busy!!! Hopefully you're not the only one, (and somebody in Thailand it busy getting together that referral!)

  4. If any of you would like to hear the Moody Radio interview just go to: www.castleview.org then click on the "One Less Orphan" tab and the "news and events" tabs and then "Pastor Bancroft interview". I'm sure it will be a blessing!


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