To say that we were disappointed would be an understatement. When we heard the news from our agency, that the first batch of referrals they have received in 2 1/2 years, did not contain a referral for us, it was devastating. I cried for probably 3 hours, went to bed, woke up with swollen eyes and cried some more. {just being real here people} It felt as if someone had stabbed me in the stomach and then kept twisting the knife. I don't think I have ever in my life experienced such a painful event. That being said, even though I was sad and hurting, I throughout the entire experience felt an underlying sense of peace. A peace that I know only God can give during something like that. Being able to rest in the fact that God is good always, His name will be glorified always, He is always in control and He loves me, was SOOO comforting to me. I have learned so many lessons during this adoption process and evidently God has more for me to learn through it, by extending the ...
14 days in and I can already see God moving and working in our lives and the lives of others. Some exciting news: 5 families from our agency got their TWIMC letter ("To whom it may concern" letter is given by the government saying they have been approved to adopt their child), which means they will be traveling to get their little ones in just a couple of months!! Our family is in the next batch of 5 families whose dossiers are currently in country waiting for processing. We continue to ask, if it's God's will, that He see fit to give us our referral by March 15. We are not doing this to give Him an ultimatum, but rather because we are human and work on a time line, unlike God who is outside of time. So this is just a specific thing to pray for and we can look to a specific time to see if it's God's will. On March 15th we will be rejoicing and worshiping God for His greatness, whether it is for giving us a referral or teaching us more lessons of trust a...
The Great Wall On our way.... Look Indiana friends, there is more than corn in China too!!! We visited a Cloisonne factory. Very cool to see how they make these beautiful vases. I love signs in China! Too funny! Had to ride a lift up to the top of the mountain to our starting point on the wall! My Lift-mate! We went straight up! A not-so-good selfy We decided to take the hard route.... This is no is THAT steep Honey, Im up here! Two cuties standing guard in one of the towers! Camden sporting his water squirting fan! It was breathtaking! We tobogganed down the mountain! Soooo Fun! We at lunch at the Schoolhouse Trees made out of potted plants Tea tasting Olympic Park Tom's eaten too many noodles here in China! People were flying these kites everywhere. Keelan getting asked to have her picture taken...
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