Will the 3rd time really be a charm???!!!

So, last time we "talked" we had just mailed our dossier (for the first time) to the Consulate in Chicago. Well, since then, we have mailed it two more times after it has been rejected for minor notary wording issues.   We were thinking we would have a LID (log in date) of late November, now we are looking at a LID of at least January, and that's only if they accept our dossier this time and don't reject it for a 3rd time.

We also received word this week that they are changing their log in process so they won't be logging in any new dossiers between Dec 20th and Jan 1st.  Any dossiers received after Dec 20th will experience some delays due to them redo this process.   When I heard this, I immediately had flashbacks of our process in Thailand, that changed 2 months into our process and resulted in us being unable to adopt from that country.    Praying this doesn't happen again and that the delays are minimal.

I just can't wait for the call that we have a LID!!!!


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