13th......3rd.......or 1st on the list to get a referral.......

In emailing back and forth with our agency today I asked where we were in the lineup to get a referral. There are so many variables right now with our adoptive country that I think I just needed on concrete answer.......so what was it......well, you are either 13th, 3rd or 1st.

This should have been frustrating to me in my goal of trying to find something concrete out, but for some reason it was really refreshing! Maybe it was the fact that worst case scenario I am only 13th on the list and not 31st.

After our adoptive country started to change their referral process back in April, they still haven't narrowed down how everything is going to work. There are 10 families that had pre-identified children (they had already had a child picked for them and accepted the referral) and so they are processing an adoption of that specific child. If those are all processed according to plan, which our agency thinks they will be, then there are two families in front of us. Those two families have identified children they want to adopt as well, but those requests have not been accepted by the government and our agency really doesn't know if they will or not. If they do get accepted then we would be the next on the list to get a referral!

Exciting? Yes, but it doesn't mean the process will move any quicker. We are still looking at at least a year till we get a referral of a child, unless God wants us to get our child sooner than that!!!

I must remember to wait patiently on the Lord, for I would much rather do things in His timing (and it take a long time) then do things in my timing (with a short wait), because His ways are SO much better than mine!!!


  1. The waiting is definitely hard! May God bless you during the long waiting time. May He prepare you for the journey ahead.

  2. Bless you! I saw this on FB yesterday and had to come over and see what's the skinny! I hope it happens speedy quick for you...but if not, God is growing you more in His likeness and teaching you about waiting on Him. Hang tight, hold fast! He will accomplish His purposes! :)

  3. That is a better answer than I get most days! I am excited for you guys! We are still told that we are at least a year out and our dossier has been in Thailand since March 2009. I know it will happen as it is supposed to but oh the waiting! It is good to have a number in line!


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