Dossier has been Mailed!!

Boy, It seems like it has taken forever to get to this point, and the wait has only just begun! Yesterday I took to FedEx our dossier and our I800A application. I must say this is the first time that I have been actually nervous about mailing something. Knowing all the time, effort, work and money put into getting the Dossier together if makes me a little nervous to think about them damaging or worse losing it! I did make copies of the whole dossier but that really doesn't matter since most everything has to be a notarized original.
So now the wait is on. Our agency has not, since all the changes in Thailand, sent any dossiers over there. We will be one of the first to see how the process has changed. Hopefully we won't experience any great delays.
Now to start the grant applications and fundraising efforts!!


  1. Congrats! That's a huge step!!! God bless you as you trade the harried pace of paper chasing for the slow pace of waiting. It will happen when He wants it to! And it will all be worth it!


  2. Thanks Kam! You're always such a big encouragment!


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