This week our dossier will arrive in Southeast Asia!!

Exciting news! I talked with our agency after they received our dossier. They said everything looked great and they were going to go ahead and send our dossier overseas. She said it would be there this week!! So exciting and yet so many unknowns. We are one of the first dossiers to go over there since there were some changes in the adoption process. So everything is unknown right now as far as when we will get our referral, how long the whole process will take etc...

Our hope and faith rests in Christ. He has done so much for us and we love the fact that we can be a living example of His adoption of us into His family! I can't wait to be able to share that example with the many people that ask us about adoption once our little one is home with us. What an easy way to spread the gospel to others! My prayer is that we won't miss even one opportunity to share what God has done for us and the gift He wants others to receive. The good news of His death on the cross for my sins so that I wouldn't need to pay the debt for them myself (eternal punishment in hell) is all a part of His redemptive plan. Because without Him we have no hope. Nothing I can do on my own can get me to Heaven, only Christ's works can save me.....Praise the Lord!!


  1. I love how adoption is such a beautiful picture of the way God has adopted us by the work of Christ! Amazing.
    Congrats on getting your dossier overseas. Ours went over just a couple of weeks ago as well. Exciting times!

  2. It makes the paperwork seem not quite so overwhelming when we think of what He went through to adopt us, huh?!

  3. That's so awesome! I remember how stoked I was when our dossier went! Yay for you! And you are right…it's the most beautiful picture of the Gospel of Christ! That God would set the lonely in families and that He would graft us into His family! Beautiful!

  4. I'm so excited for you guys! We're still waiting on the child abuse clearance from GA to finish our homestudy. I was getting stressed, but realize it's all in God's timing. What we do or don't do, what the agencies along the way do or don't do...bottom line: it's not in our hands. We control what we can control. God does the rest. You and I both know this: God has already chosen our specific children for our specific families. Hang in there, my friend.
    It's all good, right? :)


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