
Showing posts from August, 2009

Change of address

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. It only feels like that. But I think I have a pretty good reason for being out of the loop. A couple weeks back we moved into our own house. After having rented for 4 years in California, and then living with Steph's parents for the last year, it's a big change to be a homeowner once again. We decided to do our part in stimulating the economy and built our home, so the plan of living with in-laws stretched from 6 months to a full year. But all that is behind us now, and we have spent pretty much every spare moment of the past few weeks hangings lights and ceiling fans, painting walls, assembling furniture, and pretty much everything else related to setting up a new house except for unpacking boxes. That can always come later right? :-) Steph has done an amazing job of getting things organized. My hat is off to her for all her hard work!! So what happened to the adoption plans? This whole house thing was actually step one in the p...